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About Us

We study polyploidy, meiosis, DNA repair and gene editing, all processes which generate new DNA sequences or sequence arrangements, providing the raw material for evolution. Our current research has a particular focus on developing technologies to help increase the pace of plant breeding.

An Arabidopsis suecica meiotic cell, imaged using Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM). Chromosome pairs align with the help of meiotic proteins ASY1 (green) and ZIP1 (magenta). DNA shown in blue.

Latest News

21.09.24 - New lab paper!











We have a new paper out in New Phytologist looking at meiosis in natural and first-generation synthetic Arabidopsis suecica. Read here.

25.05.24 - New Paper

Meiosis in polyploids is always a challenge, particularly in large genomes . A colleague and I have written a commentary on recent developments in understanding wheat meiosis. Read here.

16.05.24 - Congrats to Will!

Congratulations to Will Sweet-Jones on being awarded a FoodBioSystems PhD studentship to start in September! He will be working with breeding company Germinal to understand the genetic basis of rhizome formation in clover.

28.03.23 New Grant!

Thanks to the Royal Society we have received funding for Oligo Painting in Arabisopsis! Can't wait do get this new project up and running! Big shout out to Leah Rosin from NIH in the US who will sharing her expertise in the technique to help us get it up and running in Arabidopsis. 

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